Friday, July 21 2023, the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, successfully carried out an International Publication Camp Workshop with the theme “Cultivating a Spirit of Togetherness and Kinship to Create a Superior, Intelligent Accounting Study Program” at the KHAS Malioboro Hotel, Yogyakarta. Participants in this workshop were all teaching staff (lecturers) in the Accounting study program.
The workshop began with remarks by the head of the Accounting study program, Dr. Banu Witono, SE, M.Si, Ak, CA, he said that “this workshop is an important agenda because one of the main tasks of lecturers is research. “We hope that the impact of this workshop will be able to increase motivation to increase the quantity and quality of our publications in reputable scientific journals.”
This workshop was held in two sessions, with Prof. Dr. Bambang Sutopo, M.Com., Ak as resource person. He is a senior lecturer from Sebelas Maret State University who has a lot of experience in scientific publications in reputable/Scopus-indexed international journals. So, he provided material related to things that need to be prepared for scientific publication in Scopus indexed journals, such as how to search for articles and select journals for publication. Next, he provided insight regarding preparing manuscripts for submission to selected journals. In the second session, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sutopo, M.Com reviewed research articles that were ready to be published by workshop participants.
The conclusion from this workshop activity is that efforts in publishing Scopus articles will always be carried out, therefore, in the future, follow-up is needed with similar programs from either study programs or faculties so that article publication can be more productive. Apart from that, collaborative writing is also needed in stages so that you can then submit articles.